Readme1 File At the top directory level of this CDROM, the user will find this readme1.txt file and two directories named "vmaplv0" and "view." There is also a file named "fgdc_dat.txt" which contains the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Spatial Metadata as it pertains to VMap level 0. The directory named "vmaplv0" contains the VMap level 0 (VMap0) data. The next level within the directory "vmaplv0" contains two metadata files ("dht" and "lat") and two directories named "noamer" and "rference." The directory "noamer" is the VMap0 library where the actual data coverages reside. The directory "rference" is a reference library for the whole world. The noamer library is 544.0 megabytes and the reference library is 6.5 megabytes. The directory named "view" contains a tailored view, "viewnoa," that NIMA has created to be used with VPFVIEW software version 2.1 and a readme2.txt file with information on the use and installation of the provided view. The user must have VPFVIEW software version 2.1 for the view to work as intended. The readme2 file provides further information regarding the provided view. VPFVIEW Version 2.1 is available to all users from NIMA. Refer to NIMA's Home page ( on the Internet for information on acquiring VPFVIEW version 2.1 REFERENCE LIBRARY The reference library for this database was built to describe the limits of VMap libraries as they existed at the time of production. While the coverage limits of these libraries are essentially static, there are occasional small modifications to limits in order to better reflect sovereignty, production schedules, and other factors. A change to the boundaries of libraries will drive an update to the reference library and will be reflected on all disks produced subsequent to the modification. A change to the reference library will not be sufficient to drive the release of a new library (disk) edition. VECTOR PRODUCT FORMAT STANDARD This version of VMap0 conforms to the current version of Vector Product Format Standard (MIL-STD-2407) published in June 1996. METADATA The VPF data structure allows for metadata to be input at all levels within the data. As such, NIMA has utilized this capability to provide users with information regarding assumptions and interpretations, to describe source deficiencies, and to explain conventions that have been adopted during production. Generally, the metadata may be found at the level most appropriate to that particular information. The metadata can reside: 1. within the lineage.doc, 2. within the Data Quality Coverage, 3. as a Data Quality feature within a coverage, or 4. as a document file associated with a coverage, table or column. The Data Quality Coverage describes the sources used to create the library. Data quality features are associated with specific features within any coverage and describe conditions not fully addressed by the attribute choices. Most commonly, data quality features will highlight uncertainties related to alignment or placement for the given feature. Data quality area features will most commonly describe areas void of some information. For example, Contour Lines in the Elevation Coverage. The lineage.doc is a metadata file at the data library level that allows free text entry. NIMA utilizes the lineage.doc to describe production methodology including library specific problems and resolutions. Document files may describe collection strategies and will be found at the feature table level. Document files may also describe conventions used when populating specific attributes and are associated with columns within tables. SOURCE DEFICIENCIES VMap0 is primarily based on capturing hardcopy source data. Many of these sources pre-date a nominal currency cut-off date. Specific source information may be found in the Data Quality Coverage. In addition, a number of irreconcilable differences exist at source sheet boundaries, largely the result of source date differences. DATA LIMITATIONS VMap0 is a low resolution database derived in large part from hardcopy sources. In order to properly exploit the data the user must be aware that the factors of scale and source contribute to some limitations resident in the data. Attempts to position features beyond the accuracy statements contained in the Data Quality Coverage are meaningless. For a typical VMap0 library the user may refer to the Accuracy Section in the VMap Level 0 Specification (Mil-V-89039, 9 February 1995). For example, VMap0 collected from an Operational Navigation Chart (ONC) source may only be expected to be accurate to within 2040 meters on the ground. This level of accuracy was not achieved in the Antarctic. Features in VMap are collected into topologically structured coverages, originally extracted from feature separates. It is costly to fully resolve overlap and gaps between features in different coverages. The VMap0 Specification does not permit cross coverage topology, and does not require precise geographic coincidence of features between coverages. Thus, the NIMA production policy is to allow gaps between features in different coverages according to the following guidelines. 1. Overlapping polygons have been eliminated where they existed in the digital data contrary to natural occurrences (e.g. no forest/lake overlap). 2. Gaps may exist naturally between features. However, if the source clearly indicates that two features should be coincident or adjacent, and the features by definition are coincident (e.g. where a river is used to construct a political boundary) then the gap in the digital VMap0 data will not be larger than 500 meters. 3. If the source indicates that two features should be coincident or adjacent, but the features are not by definition coincident (as in number 2 above), then the gap in the digital VMap0 data will not be larger than 1000 meters. It is possible that a GIS application may allow for cross coverage spatial analysis queries through duplicate coordinate pairs. Should the customer require such applications, it will be necessary to further process the data to dissolve the gaps. These guidelines should provide the proper tolerances for such functions. VPF TO ARC/INFO IMPORTER The horizontal resolution of the geographic coordinates for all VPF data is stored in the equivalent precision of 0.02 arc-seconds or 0.000005 decimal degrees. Importing VPF data into ARC/INFO at a coarser resolution may result in topological errors. The correct procedure for importing this coverage requires "Clean and Build" to be performed and data manually imported. DATA NOTES Certain features in the Boundaries Coverage and the Reference Library contain the intellectual property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) and its licensors. Copyright (C) 1992-2000 ESRI and its licensors. All rights reserved. These features are the Boundaries Coverage (bnd) edge features representing administrative unit boundaries that have an FACC code (f_code) of FA000 and an attribute value of 26 in the USE field - First Order Administrative Division features. Also included are Boundary face features with an FACC code (f_code) of FA001 and an administrative unit name present in the NAM field. Within the Reference Library (rference) the Library Reference (libref), Place Name (placenam), and Political Boundary (polbnd) Coverages also contain intellectual property of ESRI. See the ESRI Data License Agreement contained in this file for conditions of use. Many software applications will allow display of attributes as text on the screen and at the same time features may be easily queried to obtain attribute information. NIMA has utilized a strategy in which information has been stored in attribute strings whenever possible. This limits the use of Text features to situations where information could not be stored as attributes. Although the size and font for text is defined within the VMap dataset, users may find that their viewing software displays default sizes for text which overrides those set within the dataset. Therefore, text displayed may appear too small or too large and cluttered, and thus cartographically incorrect. The Vmap0 Military specification does not support the use of any diacritic characters for any native proper names and/or native generic terms. When displaying the Hydrography or Vegetation coverages using VPFVIEW 2.1, anomalies and/or errors may occur. These problems are due to a limitation within the VPFVIEW software. VPFVIEW has a buffer that can only accomadate VPF primitive tables with up to 32,768 records. The Hydrography and Vegetation Coverages each have primitive tables that have more than 32,768 records. For this edition of VMap0, the tile sizes were enlarged. The database now has a two-tiered tiling scheme. Fifteen-by-fifteen degree tiles are used over continental landmasses and thirty-by-thirty degree tiles are used over the ocean areas. Tiles are named according to the GeoRef value for the lower left (SouthWest) corner of the tile. Some tiles are shared between libraries, but actual data is not shared between libraries although it is continuous along library boundaries. ESRI DATA LICENSE AGREEMENT This ESRI Data License Agreement (referred to here after as the "Agreement") is between you (the "Licensee") and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. ("ESRI"), a corporation, with its principal place of business at 380 New York Street, Redlands, California, 92373- 8100, United States of America. APPLICABILITY This Agreement ONLY applies to those data in Vmap Level 0 edition 5.0 supplied by ESRI. Certain features in the Boundaries Coverage and the Reference Library contain intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors. These features are the Boundaries Coverage (bnd) edge features representing administrative unit boundaries that have an FACC code (f_code) of FA000 and an attribute value of 26 in the USE field. Also included are Boundary face features with an FACC code (f_code) of FA001 and an administrative unit name present in the NAM field. Within the Reference Library (rference) the Library Reference (libref), Place Name (placenam), and Political Boundary (polbnd) Coverages also contain intellectual property of ESRI. The above described features are referred to here after as the "Data". INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND RESERVATION OF OWNERSHIP The Data are owned by ESRI and its licensor(s) and are protected by United States laws and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions regarding intellectual property or proprietary rights. ESRI and its licensor(s) retain all rights, title, and ownership not granted herein to all copies of the Data licensed under this Agreement. Licensee agrees to use reasonable effort to protect the Data from unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved to ESRI and its licensor(s). GRANT OF LICENSE ESRI grants to Licensee a personal and nonexclusive license to use, copy, reproduce, prepared derivative works, redistribute, and retransmit the Data for any internal or noncommercial purposes so long as the metadata and license agreement files accompany any redistribution of the Data in digital format. SCOPE OF USE (a) Permitted Uses Licensee may use, copy, reproduce, archive, alter, modify, merge, prepare derivative works, publicly display, redistribute, and retransmit the Data for any internal or noncommercial purpose. Licensee may provide access to these Data to any consultant or contractor of the Licensee, provided that the consultant or contractor is using the Data for the benefit of the Licensee, and so long as the consultant or contractor agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (b) Uses Not Permitted Licensee shall not rent, lease, sublicense, lend, assign, time- share, remarket, resell, or redistribute these Data, or derived portions of these Data to third parties in vector format (e.g. geographic Data coordinates and/or associated attributes) for commercial purposes without the expressed permission of ESRI. Licensee shall not remove or obscure any ESRI or its licensors copyright, proprietary, or metadata notices. TERM AND TERMINATION This Agreement shall commence upon the date of receipt of the Data and shall continue until such time that (i) the Licensee elects to discontinue using these Data, or (ii) ESRI elects to terminate for material breach. DATA DISCLAIMER The Data has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy, currency, and completeness are not guaranteed. The Data may contain some nonconformities, defects, errors, or omissions. ESRI and its Licensors do not warrant that the Data will meet the end users needs or expectations, or that all nonconformaities can or will be corrected. ESRI and its Licensors are not inviting reliance on the Data and the user should always verify the map and attribute data. DISCLAIMER OF WARRENTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY LICENSEE EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE DATA IS DELIVERED "AS-IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINTERFERENCE, SYSTEM INTEGRATION, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. LICENSEE ASSUMES ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESRI OR ITS LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR COSTS OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOST PROFITS; LOST SALES OR BUSINESS EXPENDITURES; INVESTMENTS; OR COMMITMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSS OF ANY GOODWILL, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR USE OF THE DATA HOWEVER CAUSED, ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, AND WHETHER OR NOT ESRI OR ITS LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. GOVERNING LAW To the extent that federal law is not dispositive, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without reference to conflict of laws principles. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement between ESRI and the Licensee as to the subject matter set forth herein.