Readme2 File At this level of the CDROM, the user will find this readme2.txt file and a directory named "vieweur." This view named "vieweur" is the view for Library eurnasia and the Reference Library. The view is for use with VPFVIEW software version 2.1. The directory has three standard files: env, themes and default.sym. Refer to VPFVIEW online help for additional information on these standard view files. The "vieweur" view has been tailored to contain themes and associated symbols for those VMap Level 0 (VMap0) features that actually occur within this specific VMap0 library. VPFVIEW allows users the option to adjust the colors and symbols of a view if desired. The actual VMap0 data can be accessed directly from the CDROM. If the user has the free disk space, the VMap0 data (526.2 megabytes) and reference library (6.5 megabytes) can be copied to a hard drive. This will improve the speed at which VPFVIEW displays and queries the data. Installing Views to VPFVIEW Version 2.1 The following instructions are for installing "vieweur" to the user's hard drive for use with VPFVIEW Version 2.1. The view must be copied to your system's hard drive because any changes you make cannot be saved to the CDROM. Copy the entire contents of the subdirectory named "vieweur" to your work directory on your system and change the name to end with a % (percent sign). Examples of copy commands: UNIX cp -r /cdrom/view/vieweur /data/vmap0/vieweur% DOS xcopy/e d:\view\vieweur c:\vmap0\vieweur% Win/NT Using File Manager or Explorer drag "vieweur" to c:\vmap0 and rename to end with a % UNIX Note: Where /cdrom is your CDROM's mount point. The user can substitute other pathnames for "/data/vmap0." The directory and files will be copied with the READ ONLY attribute set. You can choose to change the attribute and make it READ/WRITE or follow the steps below, and the VPFVIEW application will copy the view directory to another directory that will have read/write permission. DOS/Win/NT Note: Where d: is your CDROM drive and c: is your hard disk drive. The user could substitute other pathnames for "\vmap0." The directory and files will be copied with the READ ONLY attribute set. You need to turn off the READ ONLY attribute, to make it READ/WRITE. To install "vieweur%" to VPFVIEW 2.1: 1) Start the VPFVIEW 2.1 2) Using the mouse, pull down the File menu 3) Move the mouse to the View option and open its submenu 4) Move to the "Install..." option and click on it. The program will display a warning dialog stating "Please note that the install process completely overwrites the files of an existing view." This is important if you are installing a view created by an earlier version of VPFVIEW. It is best to make a copy of the older view and install the copy to version 2.1. The program then will display the standard open file dialog. Using the mouse, you may navigate through your file system to locate the view to install by its ENV file. Views are denoted by a percent (%) symbol as the last character in the view directory name. After the view is selected for installation, the software parses its ENV file to determine the names of the database(s) contained in the view. At that point, the view configuration dialog is displayed. It contains a list of the names of the databases in your view. An asterisk precedes the names of those databases which have not yet been located on your platform. You update the path to those databases by double-clicking on a database name or selecting a name and pressing the "Modify Database Path" button below the list. When you update a database path, the software displays the standard open file dialog from which you must locate the DHT (Database Header Table) or LAT (Library Attribute Table) for that particular database. Please be warned that if you select a different database, the view will be corrupted, and VPFVIEW will refuse to load it. When you update a database path, the asterisk before its name will be removed. When you are finished updating the paths to all databases in your view, press the install button. The software will display a standard open file dialog prompting you to locate a symbology set to use for the view. Typically, the symbology set is located in a directory named "symbols" which resides in the same directory as the executable software. To select the symbology set, you must choose one of the following symbology files from that directory: AREAS.SYM, LINES.SYM, MARKERS.SYM or TEXT.SYM. After you have selected a symbology set, the software will update the view format with your new information. VPFVIEW will prompt you to load the view. When it is finished loading, ensure the Zoom/Pan is set in the Library Reference window and start selecting the Themes/Features you wish to view from the Feature Selection Window.